Detailed Tasks Assigned:
Implementing Tridharma (three pillars) of higher education which includes education, research, and community services.
Key Qualifications:
Having 10 years of research, teaching, community service experience in Interior Design pratice specifically in building performance and sutainability and Design education as instructional designer in internship course, interior science course, and fashion communication media for bridal and kebaya. She also has been in charge to develop the only educational lighting and acoustic lab in East Java located in Petra Christian University. Having several researches of science education related to design thinking skills and application, green design, indoor environment quality, and universal design. Having many community service activities that enable her to meet many stakeholders and make a close relationship in order to conduct collaboration, mainly with industries and community.
Community Services:
Sebagai Universitas Kristen terkemuka di dunia, UK Petra berkomitmen untuk membina generasi masa depan bangsa dari berbagai kalangan tanpa memandang latar belakang.
Dari kewajiban keuangan hingga syarat mahasiswa internasional, kamu bisa menemukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sering diajukan di bawah ini.
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